BodyClock – eh?!

Ever since I got into college, a few years back, i’ve never really gone to bed, at a regular time, and thus never been really any good at getting up in the morning. Hell, I blame it on college, but I don’t think it’s just that really… I just was always destined to be rubbish in the morning! I have no problem staying awake, it’s just once I goto bed, I don’t want to get up!! This weekend has really ‘put me out’ more than usual and yesterday I was totally screwed up and ended up skipping work after being just too damn knackered. To fix it all up, and because I couldn’t sleep, I ended up being awake all ‘last night’ and now I know I am in for a gruelling day, fuelled by the darkest coffee money can by and maybe even a little electronica on the iPod! *gasp* However i did get some work done, which was great – I tend to work far better at night, I guess (forgiving Americans) I am free and alone to actually get on with it. No distractions around me, it’s quiet, it’s ‘my time’. I work so much better at night!

Am I only the only fool, without a fully functioning bodyclock?! Mine must be set to 18hr days followed by 36hr days, or something… :lol:


1 Response to BodyClock – eh?!

  1. Fantana

    Check out the caffeine which can cause disorders, also diet. It may not be your “body” clock so to speak, but that of what you put into your “body” clock.
