All I Want Is…

…A good night’s sleep!

Jesus, this is England, correct? The land, renown for it’s rain, fish and chips, tea, and did I mention rain? Excuse me for thinking, much like myself of late, England itself has taken a hiatus, maybe we’ve suddenly floated 200 miles nearer the equator, or maybe just maybe the Sun found the United Kingdom – probably via Google Maps. :lol:

Alas, summer is here, and I have to say, what a summer, there’s certainly no need to complain with weather typically in the high 80′s (85F/30C). Strangely, I come here, to do just that, because let’s be frank for a moment, we’re SIMPLY NOT USED TO IT. When it comes, it rocks the nation, as we sweat our butts off, in cars, in work, and lastly, in bed. Football Manager Handheld (PSP)Yes, I write this off the back of probably two hours lying on my trying my damnest to fall asleep. Despite the fella upstairs best efforts, courtesy of a spectacular storm an hour prior, it’s STILL too hot. I’ve since spent about an hour playing “Football Manager Handheld” on the PSP. Great fun indeed, but I know for sure I am gonna be tired in the morning for all this. Is it worth it? Sure it is, it’s a lovely feeling, waking up in the morning (I take that back, it’s a lovely feeling waking up in the afternoon, but hey? – ‘needs must’) and being able to pop on shorts and a tee-shirt and be happy. The weather surely does dictate, to a degree, my mood and maybe many others too; in which case, shouldn’t British people be pretty damn moody and down, most of the time?! :P


2 Responses to All I Want Is…

  1. *MARTEEN*

    I can’t believe it : it rains in England ?



    :o p beleleeepp

    (It doesn’t rain very much in South of Frannnceee…lalalaa singin’lalalaaaa)


  3. Steve

    Marteen, you must be very bored to be reading OLD OLD posts like this! What are you thinking?!? :P

    But no, it was nice back then! Now? Well, I think we have rain from now til about May 2007! :P

    South of France sounds nice, I might have to come down sometime! :P
