Friday, with the weekend looming..

One thing with blogging I always find daunting, is the title. I always think the title is a depiction of character and imagination on behalf of the author. As you can see by this title, it’s far from inspiring, and for this I apologize. I write this early the morning, almost with the feeling, of I wanted to write something, but I am just too damn tired… I did it, so thank me now, later, or when you can… :p

Finally, after a busy and crap week, the weekend is here. :D

Work for me is really beginning to get on my nerves, I am definitely in the process of finding something new and fresh. Whether it be temporary, or something more, I really need a fresh start with that regard. If i wasn’t in a state of responsibility ( can you believe I am saying that? ) I would of probably quit today. I don’t really know why I felt so strongly about that today, but regardless, I did, and I wanted to. All day I felt myself drawn to a short fuse, needing very little to frustrate me greatly. I played football for the first time in a couple of weeks – hell, it was the first time i’ve ran in a couple of weeks. Since my groin injury (yes another BLOODY injury :roll: ) I’ve had to rest up and try and heal it. I didn’t really ‘sprint’ but I gave it a fair go and I didn’t come home ‘hobbling’, so that’s a plus.

The weekend looks to be a hectic one! So i’m headed to London again this weekend, going to London Zoo tomorrow with Vanessa. I have no doubt i will be late (I’ll blame public transport ;) ), and she’ll moan profusely about that. What can I say? She surely know it’s a common trait of mine to be late, it should be expected, and accepted. :) In the evening, apparently now I am going bowling too, which should be fun. I’m gonna have to rush back for that though, which is a bit annoying, but hey, it’ll be fun for sure. :) When I was in Germany, damn… We played a few games and I was quality!! I cannot believe it, I am usually rubbish, yet I was winning each and every game. I think though, my competition was weak or something! *shrug* I guess I can hope for the same tomorrow, eh? :lol:

The Gamesphere has some things too, i’d like to talk about, but I guess that’s for another posting… :)


1 Response to Friday, with the weekend looming..

  1. *MARTEEN*

    “it’s a common trait of mine to be late, it should be expected, and accepted”

    =}me too lol and it’s not just 5-10 minutes…30 mn minimum!SHHAAMME ONN MEEE!!!LOOLL…I often tell my friends : “If one day, I’m not late, you have to worry about me!!!It’ll mean that I would have a BIG problem in my life, for sure!!!”.
    Seriously it’s so strange, because I try, for example, to get up earlier and so on…but during the 15 mn before going out, I find so many reasons (looking for my keys, verifying my make-up is ok…)to stay “just”1 mn and “really just” 1 mn and “just please just” 1 mn…finally I’m late!!!


    :o D
