Does RELIGION get in the way?

…You KNOW, when you read a title like that, you’re in for a treat, eh? :P

Well, really, it’s more of a rant really, and for that, I apologize. Many things have happened, and so forth, since I last blogged, but one thing in particular caused me to want to rant, more than any other.

A while, back, let’s say 4 months ago, I started ‘seeing’ this girl, who was well… She turned out to be a Muslim. Whilst this wasn’t really an issue for me, it soon became apparent, it was for her, of probably more to the point, her family. We used to hang out a fair bit, but she would only really do it, ‘away’ from her family. It always gave me the impression, something wasn’t quite right there, but alas I enjoyed her company too much to let it bother me. The weekend before I left for Germany (for the World Cup), we spent the day together in Reading, she wanted to go shopping. We had a really good day, plenty of laughs and all the rest of it, then I went away. I recall her calling me whilst I was waiting for a train in Cologne. It cost *ME* a fortune, but it was nice to speak to her, and it was really nice of her to show the initiative, to call me…

Oddly, that was the last time I ever spoke to her. I got back home, and I called her, and she didn’t pick up, I sent her multiple messages and no reply. I began back-tracking, thinking what possibly i could of done to upset her, or alike. I couldn’t think of anything. All that it leaves me to believe, is that maybe she got ‘caught out’, or she said something to her family, and they made her stop speaking to me. She was never the strictest of Muslims, obviously, but her parents were. This really DOES annoy me, because to me, she is just a girl. I don’t see colour, race, religion or any of that crap, I see a girl I enjoy spending time with. Now this leads me onto the topic of this rant, does religion cause conflict and animosity within today’s society. This sure enough, drove apart two people who did genuinely enjoy one another’s company, but on a grander scale, it surely is even more devastating. When you look on the news, much of the international chaos seems to have some religious ties and so forth, and it angers me, greatly.

As a man of the 21st century, I feel modernized in a sense of showing respect for people as people, not as races, creeds and all the rest of it, but ironically it feels I’m almost discriminated against, for not being a certain ‘way’. Maybe if she had explained to me, why we couldn’t see one another anymore, it’d be fine and i’d accept it, but I cannot get past the uncertainty around it. It HAS to be about religion, and in my eyes, that is ridiculous, maybe that’s narrow minded of me to say so, but alas that’s my view. So so frustrating…

I could easily continue to rant about this, but I think i’ve made my point, religion in my eyes sets up fences, posts and bollards that restrict us, as human beings, which in my eyes is wrong; even more so in today’s connected world.


2 Responses to Does RELIGION get in the way?

  1. *MARTEEN*

    That’s one of the reason I don’t want to have any religion…It’s hard for a man…and harder for a woman…no matter the name of the religion, it’s always the same crap…

    I believe in me, I don’t need religion. I know that one day I will die, I’m afraid but I have no choice. Religion is a placebo.

  3. Nessie

    ohh stevie i just read this and had to laugh……
    u cant get over it, right…
    just chill out and believe in ME :-)
    hehe see u soon…

    i cantb reach u . its seems ur busy 24 hours
    Nessi xx
