My first buck…

Well not strictly too, those who know me, will know I have far more allegences to the USA, than most, thanks Brittney for that. :) So yeah, this time around, I was given my first dollar today, as a bit of a token gesture by a friend of mine at work. Lisa (one of my travelling buddies) finishes this week, and he wrote us both a card, which was DAMN funny. I let her open it, and immediately on one side it said something along the lines of:

“To Lisa, I hope you have a really good time, make the most of it.” (blah blah blah)

Very nice, and much what you’d expect, huh? On the other side of the card, it said:

“To Steve, F**k off and die you C**t! Here’s a dollar, don’t spend it all at once”

I was almost pissing myself laughing when I read that… Just what I should of expected from him, good man indeed. The dollar was a nice touch though. :)

…Just over two weeks to go, if anyone wants to make sure I keep in contact with them, leave me your email and i’ll make sure to add it to the group i’ve created inside Gmail. I’d love to write personally to everyone, but of course I want to spend the majority of my time, OFF the computer!


5 Responses to My first buck…

  1. Cat

    Add me to the group! I’d love to read all about you getting lost. :p

  3. Britt

    Dude ur gettin a dell with ur dollar.

  5. Skeeter

    While your busy getting lost in NY i’ll be busy getting lost in LDN. Have a safe trip.
    p.s. place luggae next to front door night before that way you don’t leave anything. make sure you take your passport.

  7. Gaskin

    I would say add me to this group of yours, but I’m pretty sure you would have already done it. You better have *shakes fist*

  9. Christina

    did u add me to the group, Steve? :)
