‘Sup Thailand, Bangkok?!

So after about 12hrs flying, i’ve made it here, and it’s… Well, rather than me churn out an initial review, again, here’s one I sent to my family…

So far Bangkok is smelly, and scruffy, very hot (feels like a thunderstorm 24/7!). My room is like a prison cell, literally, it’s tiny, plain white and the bed is hard – with a plastic coating – presumably so they can wipe it down if i wet myself. The window isn’t actually sealed, and it faces both a highway and a fucking train line, so all i can hear is traffic all morning. Sounds like i’m not enjoying it, eh?

It’s not so bad really, but yeah… Heh. Spent some time today, watching some local kids football which was really nice. They weren’t bad either! Then we had a cracking thunderstorm, and I took salvage in the MBK centre, for some retail therapy. Not bad at all… :)


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