Dead Rising Diary… #1

Entry #1
– Early on, Day 1…

So, first things first, after speaking to people I realize I have to head straight for the magic books, to make sure my food and health is at it’s max. I head straight for ‘The Sinister Read’ bookshop, in Entrance Plaza for the ‘Health 2′ book. Think I got tagged by a zombie en route, but hey… I’m new at this, eh? Afterwards, I head straight back to the security room, and creep out onto the rooftops. Otis is around, i’ve never seen this fella move, and now he seems to be somewhat insistent on running towards me. This is a game of survival, what if he clocks me one? I won’t take the risk, and so I show him what the ‘Real Mega Blaster’ can do, and spank him. He gives up a raw steak, and I move into the Warehouse. Zombies are feasting on a corpse, and I have to batter them with my baseball bat, in order to retrieve the box of cookies. It doesn’t go ideally, and again they have a little munch on me! I head to Wonderland Plaza, via the ladies toilets (Thanks to Greg’s shortcut) and find my second book, ‘Health 1′ in Sir-Book-A-Lot. It’s then a mission for my last book; ‘Survival’, in North Plaza, which resides next door to Crislips. The journey reveals the most densely populated area of zombies, and I lose more energy than i’d like trying to retrieve the book. It’s for the greater good, and once I get that, I feel like i’ve made a solid start. Whilst it’s not bad, I am a bit dry on the weapons, and choose to head towards the hunting shack, where I grab a couple of shotguns and a sniper, who knows what I might come up against? After that, it’s all about retrieving the other items of food dotted around North Plaza. I manage to find 2 bottles of wine, next door to Pearly White’s Photo store, there’s a Radish and Apple in Crislips, and Coffee Creamer and Melon on the way to Seon’s also. I am currently camping in CD Crazy, munching on my supplies. I’ve got a couple of bottles of wine, a coffee creamer, and some milk, I might be here a while? I wonder what the time is? The zombies seem all the more possesed at night, so I am wondering if i should camp here in CD Crazy until the morning, if i can, so it’s a safer journey to Wonderland Plaza? Not knowing the time is oddly annoying…


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