So a new year is upon us all, and for me, it has quite something to live up to! I can’t really expect to spend THOUSANDS traveling the world, every year, but I don’t expect to dwell in Manchester for the next 12 months wondering what changed in the world. With England not even qualifying for the European Championships I have no exact plans for where I want to go, but I’ve some ideas! I definitely want to take some short trips, to catch with friends around the UK, and why not see some of Europe too? When it costs as much to fly to Spain, as it does to get a return to London on the train, where’s the logic?

I know, with regards to work, it’ll be a very big year for me too, and I look forward to that challenge. I say that, but “DUDE!” there’s gonna be ALOT of work to get through, wow.

Resolutions? Well… I always believed you shouldn’t actually share them with the world, well unless it’s something kinda lame like, ‘quit smoking’. But yeah, I have some. If you don’t, well kinda year will you have, probably a very ‘meh’ year, and nobody wants that, do they? If 2008 goes anything like 2007, I’ll be pretty happy with that…


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