Been sick…

Ok, so i’ve been off 3 days from work now. I’ve not been sleeping too well, i’ve had a cold, been irritable, exhausted and all the other crappy ‘cold’ symptons. Unfortunately that doesn’t count for alot when it comes to work. When you’ve a day off, which isn’t holiday, you are IN For it. Not in a direct sense Oh No! That would be too easy, instead i’ll be subject to the evil eye, snide remarks, and of course a whole of banter from my colleagues. There’s nothing worse than being off and everyone subjecting you to…

Where have you been?

Nice of you to show up

…It just really frustrates me. I may have a joke around with it from time to time, but i really dont give a crap who has which days off, and why. It’s none of my business, and i don’t care to try and make it my business. I feel somewhat sorry for those people who feel they have to delve into other people’s lives, and get such ‘inside knowledge’ like this – it really is very lame. I really just want to goto work, get my job done, have a laugh if possible, and go home. No big deal. I don’t need gossip, it’s just stupid. Ok so i am ranting to myself, sure i know this already – but damn, why should i dread going in, the following morning, after being off work sick. :roll:

I actually meant to goto work today. I even booked my haircut @ 1.15pm (for my lunchbreak). Thing is, like the past few days also, i didn’t sleep so great, so i was awake late last nite – not really down to my own choice. Then i just slept in, i was just SOOO tired, i don’t even remember my alarm going off at all…
Ironically it’s 3.05am, i should be in bed. I don’t feel like going to bed now though! Oh well, i need to really, Christmas Party tomorrow night. Yay, i get to spend ALL day with people i ‘get along with’, and then the evening too! “YAY” :?

While i am posting here’s a couple of pics i took. I don’t make a habit of taking pics of myself, but someone asked, so yea… here i am, taking pictures of myself. Now that is something to make u feel lame… :lol:

Goto Gallery for Full size preview... Goto Gallery for Full size preview...

Ok, now i think i’ll goto bed…


1 Response to Been sick…

  1. rachel

    you are very fit steve. x
