Slowly Slowly…

Wow, so okay things move every so slowly forward…

The house is still a bit of a mess, heh, i’ve not yet found the motivation to take the majority of my clothes out of the box. Lazy I know, but I ono, just ain’t really feelin’ on top of my game now right now. Which worries me, because i really don’t wanna feel this way for six whole months, damnnn.. :?

We got a BT engineer to come out, the other day, and since then he’s came a second time and fitted a telephone line – so hey that’s progress. I can now at least connect to the internet – via dialup with sucks like, well I ono what really, just believe me, it sucks! :x

Work is the same ol’ – well when I say that, i forget the added 6-8 mile walk i have back on forth (combined) each day. It surely is taking it’s toll – last night i was so damn exhausted, tucked up in bed by like 9pm. I felt alot better for that today though. :) I just walked home, and god damn I am totally starving now, roll on dinner time…

Life for me at the moment really feels quite weird. I feel really counter-productive, like I am kinda stuck, and have nothing really pushing me forward. In some ways this is good that I am looking at things this way, which might usher me towards new found thinking. Yet on the other hand, there’s the aspect of well, I am thinking this, and it makes me feel crap :lol: – So yea, two sides to everything really.

Having the lack of the internet has made things quite different. When i’m not out with friends, or playing football, or at work, I am mostly on the computer. Over the past week, i’ve found it quite different, and to be frank, i have no idea how someone could watch much TV. Ugh, i get so bored, so quick. Good programmes that I actually enjoy watching, are few and far between. :( Sometimes when I am bored, I decide to watch TV, yet I find it doesn’t really cure my boredom… Just feels a bit of a waste of time.

Oh well, I wonder, is anyone really reading my blog. Oh well, if not, it sure is just kinda nice to be expressing my own thoughts an all. So bugger the lot of you! :lol:


15 Responses to Slowly Slowly…

  1. Bernadette

    Hey there, you little nag-bitch. :) I can’t believe, I just wasted 15 mins, reading the new entries of yours. :P Heh!

    Anyways, I can see you’re really not so happy with the whole deal, but it seems like you won’t have to deal with it for long, so that’s a good idea that can inspirte positivity right now, huh?

    I know moving can be a real pain in the arse. I’ve moved *counts* exactly 10 times so far and the story continues. Now the family is wanting to move to this big house with five bedrooms. The new furniture is there, all ready and the owner is insisting we get it (fam friend). When I moved to this house, it took me 4 months to unpack. Actually, I had these white sheets, covering the boxes. :lol: And one day I got home and saw my ma had unpacked all my stuff and decorated the room. I am STILL not feeling this house. And there are STILL a couple of boxes here and there, eating dust. I don’t know what the family will decide, but I have to pack my stuff anyways, ’cause I am “taking a trip” ;) and living by myself for a while (biz, not pleasure… Although… :lol: ). Such changes can sound terrible and at times, exciting, but at the end, it’s a tad annoying the whole moving out and packing and unpacking and shit. :( Especially if you have to do a lotta work and there aren’t men to help. Grrrrrrrrr!!

    So yea buddy, I feel ya. *pat pat* Hope it all goes well and smoothly, no one kicks your arse nor steal your shit and you get to kinda like this place. And I also hope you get to find your special HOME. :D

  3. Jen

    haha, i read your blog sometimes! but i’m quite nosey, so thats why!! =)

  5. Steve

    :lol: Jen, sneaky! :lol: I just got an email from my DSL provider, they say the 21st of April. To be honest, I am kinda used to not having it around really, and living as far as I do, i am all the more tired now. I mean it’s a Friday night, i finally get home from work, and now football etc @ 10pm. That’s a damn long day, and i am totally whacked. :(

    Beni – about time you had to suffer loadsa reading, it’s the kinda endurance you used to subject me to, with email! :lol: Thanks for your comments though, maybe it’ll come good – only time will tell. You’re ‘moving’ seems sudden, why? Explain?!

    Damnit, i am so tired! :cry:

  7. Binx

    Haha, I aswell spent time reading all those new entries, jebus!

    Wow, seems like quite the change is going on in your life, even if it is temporary! Sounds like there are some positive and negatives to those changes, but I am sure in time, looking back at this part of your life will give you some valuable lessons, advice, tips for the future if nothing else?!
    I guess we all can learn something from whatever we do in our lives!

    Hopefully you get some good rest soon, I’d be dead walking 6 miles a day as well, although .. doesn’t sound like a bad plan for me now, since I walk nowhere, haha. You’re going to be the fittest guy in the area I am sure.

    Anyway, just wanted to come here to see how you were and how your life is! Wishing you all the best, take care. x

  9. CrazyArtist

    I guess I saw that coming. I didn’t realize I’d get punished like that. FFS, I could’ve grown two more boobies, reading the whole thing. It took ages. But then again, it’s not like you made me do it. :lol: LOL! Aw, no just playing. :D I read, ’cause I wanted to know what you up to, ’cause it seems, for some crazy reason, I care… OMG! :O :? Oh no… :(

    Where you at now? :( And go back to the mb. I’m hating it without you there…no one to really joke with. :( Some of them are really getting on my nerves (especially, you might know who!). No, Bianca, it’s not you. :lol: It’s her… :S Can you ban three of the UK peeps? :lol: C’mon, you’re the mod. :lol: jp ;) *ahem*

    OH! And I won’t talk about “my moving”, in here. I’ll hit you with a “short” email, one of these days. Prepare yourself…you shall be punished, in a way you never imagined you would, by an email with the length of snake. :D

    Hope you’re doing good, you poop.


  11. CrazyArtist

    OMG!! HOW MANY emoticons did I just use? :lol: WTF? *blushes*

  13. Travis

    Just popped in to say y0. and… 11 days untill tiger!!! :P

    Cya steve!

  15. Hayley

    Hey Steve I just thought I’d see how you were doing ;) you’ve been offline in aaaages. I hope you’re starting to feel better about the move!

    How old are you Beni? Do you talk about me on a regular basis yeah? Ohh what an amazing life you must lead :P

  17. Steve

    Hey H. I kinda forgot about all this, infact this is the first time i’ve signed on in a few days. Using dialup is like, well I dunno what it is like, i don’t care to wanna even think of an analogy. It BLOWS. I am supposed to be ‘connnected’ 29th April. I’ll believe it when I see it, you’re right, it HAS been ages… :(

    Easy now, we don’t need no arguments on MY own blog, dammit! :lol:

  19. B

    Hey Steebbie. Saw you on the mb. :) How are things?

    I will text you sometime soon. :P xxxx

    Hey Hayley. :D It doesn’t matter how old I am. I was more mature than you, when I was only two years old. :D And did I name you? You must really think you’re someone important, huh? Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t care to talk about you and why should I? :) Who are you? ;)

    And yes, I have an amazing life. :D Thank you very much.

  21. Hayley

    I’ll PM you Steve :P we gots to catch up! Have fun watching Spurs kick Arsenal (we hope!!)

    Bernadette – I couldn’t care less what you write about me or other people, I just feel sorry for you that you have to do it.

  23. B

    :lol: You’re sucha sad thing. Trust me, you’re nothing but a bad e-fart to me. :lol: Get over yourself and get real and while you’re at it, get a life, too. I don’t talk about you with people. Hahahaha! Sorry, girl. No one in my life knows you exist. I don’t need to repeat what my second line said up there, now do I? :lol:

    And P.S: It’s crazyartistluv to you, for the 100 time I say. Thank you! :D :lol:

  25. Hayley

    A SAD THING? Answer my question – WHY? I haven’t said/done anything wrong to you, you just keep writing shit about me & my friends.

    “I don’t talk about you with people” well you did right up there ^^^^ & my friends too. So why type that you don’t & have better things to talk about?

    No one in your life knows I exsist? Do you think I’m bothered?

    Get a life you say, ok well erm I have one actually… I have a job… work in a family business… I’m learning to drive… just finished college… have all my friends & family around me. So please don’t worry yourself about me not having a life, I have a very happy & busy lifestyle, thanks for your concern.

    Now BACK OFF & stop having so much time on your hands to write nasty things to me & my friends.

  27. Hayley

    BTW, if you do have a so called life, don’t reply to anything I say ever again, or write things about my friends.

  29. rachel

    easy girls!! we are not in a playground
    Steve i always read your blog x x
